Sri Bhava Narayana Swamy Temple located in Kakinada – The sleepy town on the eastern coast of India. The Town did not get the fame it deserves given the uniqueness it has. This place boasts more than a Century of heritage, Home to an Engineering and Medical Collages, Port, and many othe important things located within the town. This is the Head Quarter of East Godavari District in Andhra Pradesh. The town has a very very ancient history.
Sarpavaram, loacted in the outskirts of the town, boasts of a rich heritage and even finds its mention in the ancient Brahma Vaivartha Purana The Lord here is said to be Installed by Sage Narada, the Brahmachari Saint and Manasa Putra of Lord Brahma. it is also linked to the lesson taught by Vishnu to Narada
Legend from Puranas (Sthala Puranam) regarding Sri Bhava Narayana Swamy Temple

Once Upon a time Kadru, who is the mother of 1000 serpents, has cursed her sons, as they have disobeyed her order to dupe her co-wife, vinutha. Mothers curse being the greatest, even if it is unjust, they all were to be scrificed in the sarpa yagna to be conducted by King Janamejaya. Ananta (Also known as Shesha), the holoiest of them, tried to save himself from the curse of his mother, found this place suitable for performing his penace in the honour of Lord Vishnu. Hence this place derived its name as Sarpa Pura. Lord Vishnu was please with his penace and mandated him to be his comfirtable bed. He also blessed Ananta, that this place will be called as Sarpa Pura and Vishnu alongwith Godess Lakshmi would be installed by Sage narada at the very place.

Later, once Sage Narada visited Lord Brahma at Brahmaloka. during his discourse, Narada has disagreed with Lord brahma, on the effect of Vishnu Maya. Brahma adminished him for his arrogance and he would be taught a lesson. However, Narada continued saying he being the supreme Bhakta of Lord Visnu and chants Lord Vishnu’s name always, Vishnu Maya would not effect him. During his visit around the world, Narada visited Sarpapura and found a beautiful lake and took a dip. He immediately became a beautiful lady and forgets his past. After some time, she fell in love with the prince of Pithikapuram and gives birth to sixty sons named Prabahva, Vibhava………(names of Telugu Calendar years). The sons become very famous.

Later another king invades Peethikapuram and kills all the sixty sons along with her husband. On hearing this the lady wanted to end her life in grief. Then Lord Vishnu appears in front of her in the form of a holy brahmin and advises her to take dip in the holy lake at Sarpapura. On taking the dip, she become Narada again. Then Lord Vishnu tells Narada that this is the effect of Vishnu Maya. Narada apolozised to Vishnu. Lord Vishnu Mandated Narada to Install his idol along with Lakshmi at the very place. He also said that the lake will be known as Mukti-Kasara and this place will be one of the holiest 108 places in the world.
The Lord is known as Bhavanarayana, meaning that a Bhava of this god will lead to Mukti and all the sins will be washed away. It is believed that a dip in this holy lake would wash away all the sins. It is said that Brahma, siva and all the Rishis visited this place.
From time immemorial, it has been acclaimed as the best ‘Punya Kshetra’ Saints like Agastya and Vyasa visited this places. The Rajas and Maharajas of Pithapuram rendered worship to the deity by spending lavishly on the sacred festivities of the Temple.
There are inscriptions here of the eastern chalukyan Chola king kulottunga and the Katayavema Reddy. This temple is also been looked after by chalukyas and Pandya Kings. Finally the Maharaj of Pithapuram has been the rajaposhaka of this temple. The Pithapuram Maharaj has contributed a lot to this templ.e There are manu inscritpions on the temple of the various charities given by all these dynasties
Inside Sri Bhava Narayana Swamy Temple
Inside the temple pillars are adorned with beautiful and delicately delineated pieces of artistic sculptures particularly the dwara palakas Jaya and vijaya.
The temple is more than 500 years old now.
The temple is open from 6 AM to 11 AM and 4 PM to 8 PM.
Vaisakha sudha Ekadasi is the day of Kalyanam to the Lord Bhavanarayana.
The Main diety is in 3 forms. Narada Pratisha, Ananta Prathista and Pathala Bhavanarayana forms.
The diety is placed along with Sri Rajya Lakshmi devi. Godadevi is installed by Sage Vyasa.
How to Reach Sri Bhava Narayana Swamy Temple
Nearest Rail Head is Kakinada. Samalkot is also a convinient railway junction. (15 KM)
Rajahmundry is also a well connceted railway station. the journey would be about an hour from Rajahmundry.
Many busses avaialbe to Kakinada from all over Andhra Pradesh
Nearest Airport is Visakhapatnam or Rajahmundry.
Another Old temple in Andhra Pradesh –
Narasimha Swamy Temple, Kadiri